Location Based Learning - Williams Park

One of the strategies I'm using this fall for integrated learning is to use a…

Course Design: Earth Science through "Simple World"

Hanging out the other morning with my boys, I tested an idea I'd had on…

Course Design: ADST through LEGO

I had other course design pieces I was going to publish sooner, but today when…

Ignite-Ish: 5 Minute Per Passion

This summer I was hugely impacted by the "Yes & Yes Yes" unconference I…

Designing Grade 2

One of the best parts of this upcoming year is getting to work with Ellison…

PAC Man: More than Bake Sales!

If you’ve had a child in school, changes are you’ve had some kind of…

Collaborative Catalyst

So: There’s a pattern in my life where I’ll have an explosion of different and…

On Fairness and Modelling

I get that many folks feel it is important to teach children that "the world is…

Tutoring: Jung & Tae Kwon Do

In tonight's second tutoring, we discussed Jung's "Psychological Types" and…

Tutoring: Drake's Equation and the Origins of Virtue

We discussed the social and psychological factors that yield one's position on…