Teaching Critical Thinking with Scholastic "Mysteries"

Rambling introduction: I have a love / hate relationship with Scholastic, and…

World Trek - An Interdisciplinary Adventure Course

One of my new years' resolutions is to post each Friday (though there may be…

Coursework through Plants Vs. Zombies

Our grade 2 son is a tremendous fan of Plants vs. Zombies, a tower defense game…

Creating Coursework - 3 Approaches

I wanted to quickly explain the three main approaches that I'm taking this year…

Course Design: Earth Science through "Simple World"

Hanging out the other morning with my boys, I tested an idea I'd had on…

Course Design: ADST through LEGO

I had other course design pieces I was going to publish sooner, but today when…

Designing Grade 2

One of the best parts of this upcoming year is getting to work with Ellison…

Tutoring: Programming Course Creation

Today we brainstormed an initial outline for a self-made programming course,…