
My vision is a culture that not only recognizes and celebrates a range of diversities, but is skilled at finding, understanding, and boosting the synergies those diversities allow.

When I say diversity I mean at least:

  1. Neurodiversities (these range from those termed “learning disabilities” to “profound giftedness” to “mental disabilities”)
  2. Cultural diversity
  3. Diversity in Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
  4. Diversity in learning style
  5. Generational diversity

When I say inclusion I mean at least:

  1. A normalization and appreciation for diversity (as opposed to the “othering” we typically see)
  2. Equitable support for the special needs that often accompany diversity
  3. Genuine opportunities to create a satisfying and meaningful life with no unreasonable hindrance based on one’s diversities

At present my main areas of focus are:

  • Trying to understand and act on what true reconciliation with First Nations’ peoples involves
  • Seeking better ways for diverse students to have the educational experience that best serves them
  • Finding opportunities to let the benefits of diversity come to the fore.