Today we brainstormed an initial outline for a self-made programming course, based on my student’s interests and current skills that we’ll then work through next term.

We’re using the prototyping of a software project he’s been wanting to do for a while as a jumping off point for experientially learning a range of entrepreneurial, software, and project management skills.

At the same time we’re discussing pedagogy from both the teacher and student’s perspective, with an eye towards self-directed education. We began listing learning outcomes and a description of the work we’ll do.


So – next term we’ll cover:

  • Description of Product
    • Evaluating existing software
    • Product positioning
    • Minimum Feature Set / MVP
  • Product Design
    • Features
    • UI / UX
    • Roadmap
    • Licensing
  • Project Management
    • Development Models (emphasizing Agile and related)
    • Versioning
    • Source Control
    • Issue Tracking
    • Server & System Setup

Plus of course, the actual work on developing the software and deployment.